On Friday April 19, we are hosting drinks together with the organization of Women in Analytics. You’ll be more than welcome to join us at Oliver’s (Claude Debussylaan 78, 1082 MD Amsterdam) from 19:00.
MeasureCamp is an unconference. This means that at the start of the day the Session Board is blank. Anyone can run a session, it can be a presentation, a discussion, or even a gameshow. When the board is declared open, people claim a time slot and room by adding their session card to the board.
You can get more information and download a blank session card here.
Jump to hour
Get your namebadge and mingle
We will explain the day to you and afterwards you can run to the sessionboard to put your session on it.
Go to your session
Yes, it's free and delicious
Soda time
Let's grap a drink before you sit
Drinks and some food at the venue
And keep the unconference talks and chats going
First drinks are on us